Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Glenn Beck, fighting violence with PISTOL, it looks like a very creative method.

Glenn Beck, fighting violence with violence, it seems a very creative method.

If you visit the website ( is seen clearly how Glenn Beck was holding a weapon, as if to quell the violence in various parts of America. Is it true that guns can solve all kekeasan?

Glenn Beck creative enough action, at least he uses creative tools EQUATES, namely guns.

Glenn wanted to push rates of violence in America that every day more and more unsettling. As a right-wing scholars, Glenn has a high sense anusiaan back, but why he holds the gun on his website?

It seems Glenn is inherently creative. In fact, Glenn including cendikiawann who likes peace and very happy to help many people, but many photos CLEARLY HE IS NOT SOFT, brought fiery weapon!

Regardless of the pros and cons, Glenn is being expression of frustration against violence in America, and he was determined to membasminya. ***

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