Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

The mystery behind the death of Steve Jobs - MUST READ !!!

Steve Jobs lying in bed, at the University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland, on one day in August 2004. The campus was known had a special care unit neuroendicrine cancer in the world. Through the Apple PowerBook 17-inch, Jobs sent an email to all employees.

To those who worry about it at Apple Inc., Jobs gave cool news. He was, he said, again to spend a break in August, recovering from surgery due to a rare pancreatic cancer. Jobs are very confident. He promised to lead the company back in September of that year.

Indeed, news from the doctors make a lot of relief. Pancreatic cancer suffered by Steve Jobs, said the doctor, the type of cancer is slow growing. He can be treated. One of them with liver transplantation.

One doctor even so optimistic. He stated people with physical as the founder of Apple had a life expectancy to 20 years, after cancer surgery early.

Five years later, in 2009, Jobs had to return the baton left Apple to Chief Operating Officer Timothy Cook. He is on leave for liver transplant surgery. It was all the way to complete her cancer.

Jobs's return to Apple. He smiled broadly. "Now I have a heart just like everyone aged 20 years," he said, after a transplant.

But there is another problem. Her weight continued to decline. Cancers that had been demolished, apparently reappeared. Jobs pain. He re-send an email to Apple employees. About his health, said Jobs, was more complex than he had expected. Depleted due weight 'hormone imbalance'.

In 2011, he came back sick leave. This time, Jobs was not strong. He is a permanent leave of absence until August 24, he handed over the CEO position entirely to Tim Cook. He believed in Cook, despite concerns about the performance of Apple without Jobs would drop. Anxiety seemed unfounded.

Apple's Jobs still flying despite grappling with the disease. Even in 2011, most of the company's revenue actually drawn from the products made when Jobs was taking his first sick leave. (See infografik "iLife: Steve Jobs, 1955-2011").

There is one other thing, which makes Apple remains confident. The legend that Apple has taught its employees to think like a Steve Jobs.

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